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Old 06-16-2017, 09:42 PM
destroyer of worlds
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again, April. When Adie brought it up, I was like,"Oh god no. April." That was my first thought because though I'm bummed at there being no Beliza panel (again), it was more that I knew how much you were looking forward to this and trying not to jinx it etc but it still happened.

So, the guilt tripping of Bob (when you finally meet him) sounds reasonable to me. I know that he feels bad about it but it still sucks, of course. Damn germs.

I think that the question is really good, April. I hope that you get a chance to ask her that. I always wonder about what the process is like, going into a scene as emotional/intense as that.

How long will you be able to keep this Bob pumpkin? Can you fly back with it? Yay for the Bellarke Funkos.

soljae ♥
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Last edited by destroyer of worlds; 06-16-2017 at 09:52 PM
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