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Old 06-13-2017, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by MDRevolutionFan (View Post)
Was feeling like chopped liver there for a minute. *whew -- HATES liver*

Whole Lotta Love, iwilltry_tocarryon:

I didn't have time to take notes as I read, so I have to do this from memory, but overall, I liked this story -- was a decent read. Bass and Charlie finally acting on their feelings is always a winning concept, and both the scenes with them dancing and the wall sex in the alley in ch2 were hot.

But... I was a little put off by some of the wording -- kind of embarrassing, really. I was also a little confused about how Bass removed Charlie's dress -- IIRC he tore it off her, which, if they were in a private place might not be so bad, but how's she going to get home from that alley with no clothes?

My only other complaint is that I just don't see "Whole lotta love" (unless iwilltry wasn't referring to the Led Zeppelin song (but I don't know of another version)) as being something to dance to -- I just can't see it. *shrugs* But that's just my opinion and not a real critique -- really minor -- and I might just feel differently if it were me dancing with Bass.
You are not chopped liver.
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