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Old 05-02-2017, 06:52 PM
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- Ouch, Joe. That was an awkward moment with Cecile at the beginning there. At least you finally did the right thing in the end

- Wally’s off on Earth 3… good excuse for him not to be in the episode

- Cisco getting snarky with Julian. Love it.

- Hello Cutthroat Bi*ch Tracy Brand. Can we keep you? You seem like fun. And I kinda ship you with HR now.

- Oooh, nice trick creating a flame with a snap! Good on you, Bear.

- There’s a drink called The Zoom?

- Julian, why are you so surprised Cisco hesitated to attack Killer Frost? She’s still Caitlin to him. You know, his BFF. How is this so hard for you to figure out?

- Awww, Barry ships Joecile.

- Woah… KF just went full Iceman with the ice slide!

- Team Flash: Hey Tracy, a future invention you create can trap an evil speedster, but you need to hurry up and create it now, ‘cuz someone’s gonna die if you don’t. No pressure, tho’

- Why does Joe walk around the house with his holster on?

- <Random>I don’t know who’s been doing Cisco’s hair, but it’s been looking pretty awesome lately</random>

- Apparently, Savitar couldn’t predict Cisco kicking KF’s butt. Guess the future is changing in bits and pieces.

- Okay… okay… so Savitar = Barry was predicted by everyone. I knew it was coming but I refused to believe it because I thought it was a stupid plot twist.

However, after seeing him, it’s quite possible this is some version of Barry whose powers went into overdrive and literally imploded in his face, messing up his head and twisting his memories/feelings somehow.

…because there is no way Barry Allen would ever kill Iris West - no matter how crappy his life became in the future or how many people he lost - unless something actually fried his brain.

Just sayin'

(On a side note: Is this the Speedforce!prophets punishing Barry for not listening to them?)

Next time on The Flash
Iris (being her own hero) to Savitar!Barry (singing):
I have crossed Central City to find you
I know your name
Savitar has stolen the heart from inside you
But this does not define you
This is not who you are
You know who you are

"I have been a voice with no body. A body, but not human. And now a memory made real. Who knows what I might be next!”
- Vision (Wandavision)

Last edited by Elektra; 05-02-2017 at 09:02 PM
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