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Old 05-01-2017, 08:54 AM
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Joined: Nov 2014
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I'm a bit late jumping on the Star Wars band wagon, as a huge fan of the original trilogy I have to have my say. Sad fact: I used to have 5 copies of each film!! I enjoyed The Force Awakens, though maybe it was a little too similar to A New Hope, with a bit of Empire Strikes Back thrown into the mix, but it's fun and something that I can watch quite often. Rogue One was good, though I've yet to watch it a second time. And as Lauren said nice to have female protagonists at the forefront of both films. As for eps 1, 2 and 3, Ja ja binks, WTF why? 2 I saw at the cinema with my head between my knees because of the atrocious dialogue 3 I only saw a couple of years ago because until then I couldn't bear the thought of watching it! I was 9 when the first film was released, it was like nothing seen before with the effects. It's leagues ahead of Flash Gordon which is of the same era. What it created was something more than the sum of its parts - I think.

Lauren: The Lady Pies are no more, I'm gutted and just as the season was about to start too.

I binged watched Dr Who recently, well seasons one and two. Rose is my fave and after she left it was never quite the same.

It snowed last night near where I live. I couldn't believe it since we're almost in May.
I remember , some years ago now, a photo, I must have seen it on the TV, of a cricket field covered in snow after the season had started! It was a good covering too, a complete white out.
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