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Old 04-30-2017, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Taryn74 (View Post)
The ALIE we've seen so far, yes. But the whole reason ALIE wanted to go into space in S3 was so she could find where Becca had hidden the 2.0 version, which was created to interface WITH humanity. "ALIE 1 didn't understand what it meant to be human, yes, but ALIE 2 will. It's designed to interface with humanity on a biological level." (Becca, Thirteen) So, let's say (all purely speculation on my part) that when ALIE uploaded herself into the space station mainframe, she either found ALIE 2, or she found something that the lab assistant had hidden even from Becca (remember that "Becca" is currently appearing to Raven wearing the lab coat and glasses that we've only ever seen the lab assistant wear, and I have to believe that's a clue for something coming), or something else entirely , and she was able to learn how to act more human since we've seen her last. It's definitely not beyond the realm of possibility for this show.
ALIE 2 is the Flame. ALIE already found it, and it's why she was going after Clarke when Clarke entered the City of Light. It's why the others were concerned about Clarke entering the City of Light when she had the Flame. She would essentially be handing ALIE exactly what she wanted.

I am disappointed that the show seemed to drop the ball about ALIE uploading herself to the Space Station and perhaps that is behind the work to get Raven to space. But if the writers try to claim that this hallucination is actually ALIE I just won't believe it. Nothing in the way ALIE behaved in the past suggests her capable of this kind of deception.
Well maybe the real God uses tricks, you know? Maybe he's not omnipotent. He's just been around so long he knows everything.
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