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Old 04-13-2017, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Against_all_odds (View Post)
This episode made me upset, even if I liked certain parts of it a lot. They ruined Rip/Gideon and made Rip leave when he doesn't really have to,Len killed Mick and the Rogues was left on a somewhat sour note. Mick will know,even if Leonard never will.

I did like the Sara/Laurel moment and how she handled the spear. RF's death was perfect, although DD's fate bugged me. He has to stay alive and kill Laurel someday.

Nate shouldn't have let Amara decide to hell with her going back to the past. Him coming with her made a lot more sense and it was selfish on her part.

The Dinosaurs scared me,but I don't see how they could avoid running into each other at that point. They didn't really have a choice and had done their best. The deaths were all really sad.

I agree, it was an great episode that was a disappointment.

I felt that of course the LoD ending was so predictable.
I wish Darhk would've kept his memories because it would've been a much bigger effect if Sara was inadvertently responsible for Laure's death. Darhk remembering everything which causes him to recruit Quentin and ultimately kill Laurel, and it would've made more sense than what actually happened... because of course I still don't get why of ALL people did Darhk recruit Quentin.

I love my Reverse Flash so I'm going with he's not really dead because his Doomworld version is the one who did, and even though there was an army of RF's, I'll just assume his 1916 version was no where around.

Agreed on Amaya, that was so selfish of Amaya to basically say screw her family lifeline which is why I wish someone memory wiped her and put her to the past because Amaya was only in this mission to avenge Rex Tyler's death and in the FINAL few episodes it seemed that Rex/Amaya relationship never existed since it became about everything else. We never got an Amaya vs RF fight as well....
And now everything became all about the Nate/Amaya rushed romance....

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