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Old 04-07-2017, 07:00 PM
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All questions are from Hot Water, Under Siege, and Payback (NCIS LA 813-815)


4. Kensi was shooting __ with Callen.
6. __ was the license plate on the vehicle staged to shoot at Kensi and a hospital patient.
9. __ was one of the names used for Kensi.
10. According to Sam... NCIS's budget is __ to operate around the globe.
12. The __ was the organization that was looking for Callen.
14. __ was the license plate of the vehicle Kensi drove away in with a hospital patient.
16. Deeks ended up killing Agent __ to save Kensi.
18. Beale had a case of something in ops when he was setting up traps, it looks like the case held __ of them.
20. If Beale had a dollar for every time he was asked "Where's Hetty" he would apparently have __ dollars.
21. __ was shot by the person Hetty arranged to be led into a trap.
22. The last three digits of the vehicle near where a sniper shot someone were __.
24. Callen claims to have almost no __.
27. The woman who tried to finish Granger off flashed a(n) __ badge.
28. Nell thinks the bodies were probably borrowed from __.
31. __ found Deeks to be funny in the cell.
32. When Sam and Callen were looking around prior to Sam being arrested there was a white truck parked next to a road sign that said __ on it.
35. Kensi found Deeks hitting someone with a(n) __ to be quite romantic.
36. Two people were sent by NCIS to watch Granger after someone tried to kill him again, the woman's name was __.
39. __ was the name on the nametag of the officer Deeks was talking to when he was trying to get in to see Granger, which is the same person Kensi later talked to.
41. __ was Duggan's first name.
42. I took some convincing but Kensi let Beale take some __ with him.
46. Granger told Hetty that he had a dream that a(n) __ was circling him.
47. Hetty got a call from the DEA about Sam at __ (time)
48. __ was Duggan's title.
51. __ was led into a trap set up by Hetty.
52. __ was the officer who checked in on Deeks because of all the noise he was making in the interrogation room.
53. Beale was asking about a nickname when the name __ was suggested by someone.
54. The person Deeks was talking to at the police station about seeing Granger had been married for __.


1. Nell referred to Beale as a __ when he asked if anyone else felt like an abandoned puppy.
2. __ was the room number across from where Granger was being taken care in.
3. __ was the number on the room Deeks was kept in at the LAPD.
5. The told the criminal that he was worth so much dead, which would be __ alive.
7. In the police station where Deeks was at there seemed to be a vending machine that said __ on the main picture on the front.
8. Granger was arrested at __'s place.
11. __ was the private room number that Granger was being kept in.
13. __ made a deal with Hetty to lead a criminal into a trap.
15. The 4th number that was called was __, which seemed to be a church.
17. The police station Deeks was at was a part of the __ division.
19. The officer who let the person who tried to kill Granger in had the name __ on his/her nametag.
23. The perimeter alarm was set off outside the __.
25. There was a box cutter that Kensi grabbed on top of bags of __ (brand name only) of a mix.
26. __ vitamins were mentioned in a conversation between Sam and Deeks.
29. __ was responsible for getting most of the team arrested.
30. Eric mentioned something when he noticed a perimeter alarm was triggered in which Nell responded with a(n) __.
33. A __ movie reference was made by one of the rogue CIA agents about Hetty.
34. Deeks texted __ when he was getting arrested.
37. Hetty sent Nate to __ last week.
38. Hetty said she knew someone that said a woman is like a(n) __.
40. __ set off a perimeter alarm and Nell seen it on camera.
41. __ is the last name of the person Eric pulled a gun on... who also had Hetty's ID.
43. ATF's budget according to Sam is __ dollars.
44. Hetty wasn't too happy about the way she had to leave somewhere in a brand new __.

45. Anna went to __.
49. Joelle was really Agent __.
50. Callen acquired a phone and used it to call __.
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