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Old 03-16-2017, 11:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Fuzzy Dunlop (View Post)
I think they are using the praimfiya (?) concept to explain things to the Grounders, who would not understand if they tried to get into an explanation about what radiation is and how there are power plants that are melting down. The easier thing is to just tell him, "Remember how the praimfiya came 100 years ago and killed almost everybody? Yeah, that's basically going to happen all over again."

Whether or not Clarke and them actually realize the radiation is going to come in a giant death wave is another question. Maybe they know about it, but maybe not. If they knew that a massive blast of fiery radiation was coming to disintegrate everything, would they be so optimistic that a little blood transfusion could save them all?

This is exactly the story of how I lost my virginity, actually. I was in the woods and deadly radioactive rain started falling, so I hid in a cave and there was a hot guy in there. What could possibly be more romantic?

It's sad that clarke is not in the ark, otherwise bellamy would have asked clarke

"Bellamy:" Have you seen Octavia? "
Clarke: "No, I mean ... it's Octavia." She's probably chasing butterflies. "

parallel logic 1x06 - 4x07
ℓαυяα ♥ "/ I want you to remember me, after I'm dead" " Un être vous manque et tout est dépeuplé"
I Miss Linctavia Marie :"Lincoln the only love of her life "/Octavia 4x10 : Not Lincoln , he believed that we could do better and I loved him for that
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