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Old 03-16-2017, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Fuzzy Dunlop (View Post)
I think Bellamy's gonna be all about going after Octavia next week. She ran off into the woods by herself and now there's black rain? How could we expect Bellamy to have any other priority? But Ilian will probably find Octavia first...cue weird romance arc!
My thoughts exactly lol which it makes it that much sadder considering what happened in last night's episode between them I definitely think that's Kane watching him go in the main season promo

I still can't believe Octavia and Ilian are going to have a romantic arc I know from the BTS how they create the world video we saw them together in the cave, most likely just narrowly getting out of the rain....but seriously?

There's got to be some underground cryosleep bunker that most people will be stowed inside. And then the last 8 characters somehow get separated from that group and end up having to escape into space. I really don't think there's ever going to be an effective nightblood cure. That solution would be way too easy for this show.
I thought they knew about it, and that deathwave is what they called primefiya (however the heck you spell that)?? Or is that just a general term for like, an apocalypse?
ohhh True! Good point Lisa!
I literally have no idea what to expect
We will find each other again...
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