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Old 03-04-2017, 03:22 PM
Queen of Sparkle
Joined: Jan 2015
Posts: 130
Originally Posted by othfan1980 (View Post)
Which can also apply to Caroline, Stefan and Elena. All of them have been abusers and killers at some point in the show!
The thing is, all of them, at some point, have regretted and apologized for it. But everything Damon does gets swept under the rug like characters, even showrunners get selective amnesia when it comes to him. Stefan gets a whole season dedicated to his feeling guilty and trying to redeem himself for all the sht he's done while Damon's wrongs don't even get acknowledged. He's sitting with Caroline toasting to her mom, but has he ever on screen, once, apologized to her? She isn't a random person on the street. She's his supposed besties daughter. Don't you think he owed an apology to her? I don't even want to get into the fckd up dyanmic that is DES because that would take me days to type, and I still wouldn't be done.
They have all been killers and abusers, and I wouldn't even mind if they all died in the end. But Damon has legit abused almost all of the main characters on this show(esp the ones he "loves") and never, not once, shown an iota of guilt or regret or tried to make up for it. At best he gets a slap on the wrist and then the next day everyone forgets everything he did. It wasn't as problematic in the beginning but since S4 it's just been ridic af. It's a supernatural show so killing and abuse is to be expected. My problem is the lack of acknowledgement and action. My endless hate for Damon aside, there's literally no reason for Damon to get a happy ending.
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