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Old 02-12-2017, 04:36 AM
Loyal Fan
Joined: Jul 2015
Posts: 1,218
505 was when the wheels really came off for me. .

Up to then it was becoming clear that the balance was way over in the direction of Rayna/Deacon/Maddie but I wanted to love these new writers so badly that I tried to ignore it. And yes I'm a huge huge Javery fan but I also like and am interested in watching most other characters with the exception of Maddie.

I can't anymore and I can't come on here or twitter or wherever and pretend everything is Rainbows and unicorns and puppies just because the really loud Deyna bullies on twitter are happy!

I didn't watch 507 either and I'm not going to be rushing to watch 508 . I didn't make a promise to God that I would love Nashville for ever and ever amen , it's a TV show I want to be entertained and I'm not . Simple as that.

It's boring . All this crap about going deeper . Where exactly (outside of Deyna /Maddie) have we gone deep ? And btw going deeper with Maddie is the LAST thing I want to watch.

And I 100% agree with you Jjou they have messed up badly with this imbalance , Javery/Will/Scunnar fans are sick to death of getting less screentime and dull stories and the neutral fans are just plain bored . And no one literally no one is here for teenage drama. Marshall didn't just randomly decide to tweet that on Thursday night. Wonder if they finally woke up.

i can't invest in shows where characters and plots keep disappearing because I lose interest and forget what's happening and I think that's a big problem for a lot of people based on comments I've read . Yes have an a b & c plot but vary it between characters and never exclude anyone totally (unless it's Maddie ).

This might have worked on their old show but that was years ago - times have changed . Things move faster these days people want things now they don't want to wait or be told to be patient - that's why people binge watch box sets on Netflix etc etc.

Last edited by FAB47; 02-12-2017 at 05:49 AM
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