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Old 02-03-2017, 06:49 AM
Romantic In Denial
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This episode was really good and kept my interest throughout. The cases were unbelievable!!

That poor girl that felt everyone's pain. I can't even imagine how difficult life must have been for her. It didn't help that her mother was totally absorbed in her career and unsympathetic to her daughter. I did find her abrupt attitude adjustment a bit strange. One minute she was walking out of a meeting to take a call and the next she was all about her child. In any case, I'm glad for the turn around. Also I loved Dr. Charles solution for her to keep others' pain away from her. He is so believable in his role and I totally love him.

Dr. Latham is growing on me. I'm glad he finelly let Dr. Rhodes know about his condition. Trusting and depending on his team was a huge step for him. So was going to Molly's. I really like what the writers have done with his character.

I still don't like Dr. Stohl but his video scheme did turn out for the best. Ever thinking of his patient Dr. Halstead was surprised to say the least that his patient did not find the camera crew either intrusive or an invasion of his privacy.

OK the kid with gun up his butt.......I must have missed something because what was the connection between that and the cuts on his arms?!?? I did have to leave the room to let my dogs out so maybe there was some clarification. Sarah is trying so hard to help but in this case is failing.

I think Sarah's therapy will be interesting to follow.

One final comment. So Natalie still has feelings for Jeff. Interesting!

EDIT: Sorry there were no Connor/Robin scenes for you livandfitzfanforever.
♥ Sue ♥

"You're gonna' miss me so bad when I'm gone."

Last edited by Romantic In Denial; 02-03-2017 at 06:54 AM
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