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Old 01-12-2017, 12:41 PM
Lauren Helen Graham
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Originally Posted by Fangirl49 (View Post)
Only Aram seems to understand how much Red loves her even if he doesn't know why. I think he is the only one who truly gets Red.
I totally agree with that He even seems to grasp it more than Liz, which is really insane.

So it's not just me who finds it odd that no one, especially Cooper, is making a connection with Red's actions to Liz. And the only fly by remark was by Ressler early on. I don't know why This question didn't occur to me earlier. Is this one of those suspension of belief moments? Should I even bother wondering now that they have "declared" Red to be her father? Sort of. We think. For now. But no one else seems to know. Or care.
No one else seems to even consider it which is so strange. I would ask myself why exactly I'd do all of this for a person that's not related to me or close to me. Nobody would ever go to such great length and suffer the way Red did if it was just business they wanted with the person they protected.

And honestly I can't get over why Liz does not try to investigate Red and find his connection to her. Forget your parents. Try to find out who he is. Please, please, please.
YES! You know what? That's a new wish for me for the wishlist! I want exactly that to happen.

I also hated that Cooper blamed Red on that as well.
It was completely out of order... I really start to get frustrated with every single character on the show.
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