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Old 12-08-2016, 12:55 PM
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A very intense episode that I really enjoyed.

I just freakign loved the use of Flashbacks this week. I love them throwing in a 4 years ago instead of five and flashing back to Season one and then intertwining them so well with the present. It was awesome.

So much happened in this episode. I guess anger and rage is blind because its the only way i can make since of Evelyn betraying the team because Oliver used to be a murder and deciding to work with a murder to kill Oliver. Collateral damage be damned even though you know she's also angry over her parents who were Collateral damage.

I loved the awkward as hell Oliver/Susan and Felicity/Billy scene. Why? Im not really sure other then it made me laugh and it felt so Felicity like to me.

So we learnt that Prometheus is whats is face son. Or at least thats what the team is assuming based on so photograph Billy found. Even though its mere speculation at this point and we can't be sure if its true or even if we know the son in the present day.

Prometheus sets Oliver up to kill Billy. That was heartbreaking and i loved the scene back in the arrow cave when he come back to tell Felicity and the team.

We finally learn Curtis husband isn't has dumb as we expected. He just thought Curtis was having an affair. Now he knows the truth and isn't happy he's been lied to. The ultimatum was a little harsh but i imagine this is something that has been festering with Paul.

I dont think Lyla set dig up. I think it was a recording of her voice but seeing has they weren't at the safe house maybe they were used. I dont know. We will have to see what happens with Dig.

Big big shocker at the end. Im not sure if its E2 Black Siren or a hallucination.

It could be black siren masquerading as Laurel and working with Prometheus. He has been study Oliver for years and the team for a while. He'd know where the base was and would be able to coach Siren to act like Laurel. Maybe he first got rid of Lance because he suspected Lance would be the one to know? Or maybe he was worried of Sirens reaction to her dad. Who knows?

Also possible a hallucination. Remember back in S1 or S2 when Oliver was hallucination Shado because he ingested something? They last scene with Susan they did linger not hat Russian Vodka bottle a bit before she gave him that drink. We knows she's playing him a bit so maybe she dosed him?

or the least likely mayne its Flash related and its savjtar reaching out to Oliver trying to get him to come open the box so Laurel and him can be together a la Julian and Cisco.
"You keep me in your heart, okay"
Oliver and Mia
Icon - A fine mess
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