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Old 11-27-2016, 08:51 AM
Jerry D
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Joined: Jan 1999
Posts: 111,670
Jake Gyllenhaal 11/27/2016 9:50 AM CST Post Count: 151,833

151,833 - 151,662 = 171 Posts

This board met the 105 post count requirement to remain here, so it will remain open, but it will be placed on the Low Post Count Warning List, and if it goes without a post for 48 hours or if it fails to meet the minimum post count requirement of 15 posts per day when we do monthly post counts at any time in the next six months, it will be closed without doing another post count. Thanks.

Please keep this thread topped until the trial period for this board is over.

Please note that boards need to average at least 15 posts a day to remain here. Thank you.
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. - John F. Kennedy

There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why - I dream of things that never were and ask why not. - Robert F. Kennedy
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