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Old 11-18-2016, 05:19 PM
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Originally Posted by courtneybangelcakes (View Post)
Same! What the hell is this. They have a beautiful friendship and now romance and were always there for each other, even when it wasn't romantic, and then he dies and they're mad at each other?! That is such BS. I hope we get a scene somehow in between their fight and his death where they makeup. Doubtful, but it truly pisses me off.
Yep. I want badly for a scene where they were back on better terms, but I doubt it.

I don't know why they had to do that to Wes before they killed him. Like make him feel like before?

I love Wes as a character so much and truly think he was the heart of the show. He's how we were introduced to the show, his relationship then with Annalise, and Laurel, and his backstory and all he went through. It's really disappointing. I always loved his character.
Pete even said he was the heart of the show, and he killed him.
Why the hell would you kill the heart of your show? Might work out fine for the rest of the season dealing with the grief of the others, but after that..?

I would have been the most upset if it was Laurel though because she's my favorite. I wanted Bonnie alive too and I did love Connor but he hasn't been as great lately. And weirdly, I've grown to Asher. Michaela is the only one where I think she could stay or go and I'd feel the same. She's just a really self-centered person.
Laurel's my favourite too. (though Wes isn't too far behind) But I can't watch Laurel have to deal with losing Wes, and watching them put her back with Frank.
I would have been upset losing any of the K5, but Wes was just so.. Wes.

My ideal choice would have been for Frank to die. He is such a toxic character though his relationship with Bonnie is interesting.
His relationships with Bonnie and Annalise are the most interesting for his character. But he should have been the one.

Ugh, I hate that the writers were just like ...yup, let's trick the fans and kill Wes. And it's like equally as shocking and non-shocking at the same time.
I saw it coming, but it was a stupid move to kill this main character, so yeah shocking but not.

I hate that they tricked us in episode 7 with his flash forward. I'd convinced myself before that that he was the one, and then for a while I was relieved.
Did Pete address his "each episode we'll show you who isn't under the sheet" BS? I know some people were like.. well Laurel woke up so she's the alive one for that ep, and Meggy was the one for ep 4.
But that doesn't work because Meggy was never a contender/main character.

Originally Posted by Slayerette89 (View Post)
This is what upsets me the most too. If his interviews are anything to go by, it seems like he has not even fully considered what it means to create a young black character whose life is one tragedy after another crowned by death. He seems somewhat surprised that some people saw Wes as the moral centre of the show when he’s the one who’s written him as one the two central characters and made passion for justice one of his defining traits.

This too. I’ve been so upset about Wes himself that it hasn’t fully settled for me that my otp for this show died too and in a rather frustrating way. I’ve shipped them from the beginning and was so happy last season when they started exploring them romantically. Only for them to end so quickly.
They were the best relationship on this show.
Apparently we can't have nice things.

I wonder about this too. The scenario with Laurel/Micheala getting together and raising Wes and Laurel's baby would be one of the best things that could come out of all of terrible plots.

Also, while I was glad to see both Laurel/Micheala and Annalise/Bonnie kiss, I can't help but wonder if it was just for shock effect and/or fanservice and/or attempt softening the blow or a black protagonist dying by having two f/f kisses.
Yeah, I think at the least the Laurel/Michaela kiss was for that reason. They're never going to take them seriously, and Laurel will be back in the toxic mess of her and Frank in no time.
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