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Old 10-03-2016, 05:38 AM
Renata M.
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Originally Posted by rocky845 (View Post)
^ I understand how you feel. I've felt that passion for my ships as well. I still feel it sometimes, even though I've been shipping pairings for many, many years and I know exactly what happens when I let my expectations get too high. Rowan and Sabrina do have crazy chemistry together. If the show were on a different network, then a romantic relationship between their characters would be a possibility. I agree with you that shows about young adults going through the trials and tribulations of growing up would be the perfect place to show the struggles that teens today are going through. Sadly, I don't think Girl Meets World is the kind of show that would tackle those struggles in the way that you and other viewers want. Let me know if you ever find a show that does explore that side of growing up. =) I ship couples that involve two characters with a strong connection that I want to see together. Most of those ships involve a girl and a guy, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't or haven't shipped couples that are of the same sex. Love is love, and if I see that connection, then I ship it.
ITA! I love them as friends and I appreciate the fact that they are best friends and not frenemies, something that happens too often for my liking.
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