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Old 08-08-2016, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by alligatoruk (View Post)
Really hope he attends this. I bet they won't access any direct questions about Diane but being that The Affair is about relationships, then they an ask something in a roundabout way, like "how do people move on when partners find someone else"... etc. Josh is too much of a professional to get annoyed though, I'm sure he'll have some diplomatic or eloquent answers prepared.
The nice thing about a panel is if by chance a question like that does come up, then my guess would be that another one of the cast would answer it and they would likely have that discussion prior to the panel. It's also possible that Josh won't be as vocal about the show as he has been in the past. However, having said that, the actual affair in the show is kind of old news and both Cole and Alison have remarried, so there may be other subjects discussed.
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