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Old 06-21-2016, 12:02 AM
Dedicated Fan
Joined: Oct 2014
Posts: 865
Originally Posted by MistyMountainHop (View Post)
Kelso names Jackie and Hyde his daughter's godparents -- of course, the writers' intentions with that seem to be to burn Eric and Donna: "Look at how far you've fallen. Of all people, Jackie and Hyde making it in the long run is a better bet than you two, and their relationship is super unstable."
Oh yeah. That line was cringe-inducing. And I did find it a bit odd that Kelso would think that Jackie and Hyde, a relationship he had some level of understanding of (he mentions the deep conversations between them in "The Kids Are Alright") but for the most part didn't get (considering he called them unstable), would think they would last longer than Eric and Donna, two people he had known since childhood and seen their romance for years.

At times, I wish T7S could have been an hour-long show. There was a 22-minute time limit so I do understand why the writers couldn't show the casual, deep conversations between Jackie and Hyde if they weren't plot-related, but if it were an hour-long show, I'm sure we would have gotten to see more.
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