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Old 06-12-2016, 02:03 AM
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Joined: Mar 2006
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Octavia liked Lincoln but hesitated while he ignored the signs that she and her new friend Lexa were getting involved. One reason was because their lives had gone in different directions, but Lexa hadn't taken no for an answer. While everyone was aware of Clarke's infatuation with mysterious guy, Octavia's brother. Finn was just about to confess but Lexa kills everyone. After that, something happened. There was a commotion because Murphy shouted, "Hey, Bellamy, bro, guess what?" Bellamy asked Raven why Murphy was telling him to guess. "Because the bar downtown is organizing a wedding and Lexa wants Octavia to marry her, so Octavia wants you all there." Bellamy sighed but agreed to attend with Murphy. Clarke didn't know who to take with her, so she cried and begged Abby to find her a date to accompany her, but the only way she would is if it was BELLAMY. Bellamy had to tell Murphy that he was now going with the girl he liked for a while, but Murphy didn't approve. So Bellamy decided to get a new tuxedo that would match Murphy's to pacify him. Murphy was pissed when Clarke kissed Bellamy passionately before walking away to find flowers for the wedding. Miller saw everything and told Murphy that children were going to start complaining about Clarke becoming possessive and Bellamy being infatuated with Murphy. After Clarke danced with Bellamy, they snuck off to do something inappropriate. They kissed passionately and then Bellamy suggested they go elope in Vegas. They got married in a chapel near The Strip before going commando into the pool. Bellamy left his condoms behind the bar, so they decided to find some cheeseburgers instead. They wanted each other badly so they made babies TOGETHER. Their story was finally
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