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Old 05-25-2016, 07:46 PM
brave princess
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I actually think The 100 is much better written than the Divergent series. I was able to read The 100 and not feel like I needed to edit it every few sentences. I'm not a huge fan of the POV chapters b/c it makes the story feel disjointed to me. I'm much more of a 3rd person omniscient fan. Anyways, I made it halfway through Divergent before I put it down b/c it honestly read like poorly written fan fiction where the author didn't understand how to put together a complex sentence.

The first book had a little Bellarke in it but the second book had quite a lot of it. I have the third book but haven't finished reading it yet. I need to though.
we need each other, bellamy
the only way we're going to get through this is together
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