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Old 05-08-2016, 11:33 PM
soldier of affinity
Master Fan

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Once upon a time there was a nasty werewolf that everyone hated but Shaq decided to go up and tell Adele that bappalappashamalamadingdong is Nosferatu and just all his old pink tutu's were getting wet and slimy. Klaus ate his therapist because his sister was angry at her for ruining her big toe. Cami died but became a ghost and then exploded with fire never finding home. Klaus celebrated with booze while Elijah disapproved of his behaviour so much that he slapped Hayley only because she got fleas all over herself. Hayley died of poison when Drake danced with Marcel and dropped like a leaf. Marcel twerked
"Did I just notice Riverdale High's very own Holden Caulfield, put his arm around you?"
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