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Old 05-07-2016, 11:02 AM
New Fan
Joined: May 2015
Posts: 37
a good painful episode. and you know the mickaelsons already, it's family above all for them. and im glad the conflict hurts so good and is surprised to see klaus asked for another option. brilliant.

if marcel becomes the big bad, im gonna be so sad. doesn't that mean an end is soon for him? please, i still need him and bekah to happen. lol.

oh freya, poor girl. doing the dirty deed to keep her family. that conversation with vincent broke my heart!!

davina has it coming, lol. marvel warned her of all the crapstorm to come if she worked for strix and bring kol back. there's a "price" for everything and her price might just be too high after cutting klaus' sire line. though it was sad to see her gone. so young.
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