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Old 05-05-2016, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by AliceM (View Post)
Thank you

WinAly's love takes flight I loooove that they both accept each other as they are!!!!

-- I can't kiss you. I can't prank you.

-- We are incredibly sexual people! (I immediately remembered Schmidt telling Cece they are both beautiful or something like that ) -- That's right.

I bet Aly is crazy about Winston squeezing her tight

Aly saying she is sure about telling everyone they're dating is one of the most sweetest things I've ever seen Her face and voice at the moment kill me As Winston stops her, because he doesn't sure it's what she wants, and then, his happy smile... Aw.....

Oh my, that kiss was fiery! I kinda surprised they didn't show us what was in between (I mean how they skipped from the first kiss to Aly spending nights in the loft ), but well, I can always imagine that

Ah, so many cute moments in the ep

Winston: "You need to stop freaking out! You causing a scene."

Oh, they were holding hands, aaaaaw, so lovely And Aly didn't notice Cece

Winston's sex bark Aly can't resist it, hahaha...

Loooooooooved them singing!! Winston made up a song that just about them, so romantic, I can't Aly was like she didn't wanna anyone to hear her singing, but sang it anyway -- so she stays Aly and at the same time can do something romantic, because Winnie wants her to do, and he looks incredibly happy That's their love! Hehe!

"When we are together, nothing sucks at all, at aaaaall"
I was wondering where is our number 1 WinAly fan after an amazing episode for them. Here you are!

It was so beautiful!! Everything you said! It was interesting to see them going from "You know technically I still have a bf" "It's ok I am married" to holding hands and all over each other tho I thought maybe there might be some complications before. Well not complaining

The song was so cute haha It was amazinnggg to see Winston this happy. FINALLY!!!
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