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Old 04-28-2016, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Austenphile (View Post)
Belle has been through so much being locked in a cell for 30 years with minimal contact. She deserves the best. And using something that happened 300 years ago as an excuse is just weak. As my mother, who had an abusive parent, always says lots of people have terrible lives and rise above it so it's no excuse for anything. You are responsible for your own actions now.
Yes you rise above it, no question. But the longer you have been in that situation, the longer it will take to modify the behavior. While it seems like a long time to us, in terms of how long they have been together, it hasn't been that long. I do see progress and I want to see more progress. But to expect an overnight 180 turn isn't going to happen. That doesn't mean the Belle has to take any off of Rumple. He NEEDS her to smack him up side the head every once in a while to keep him moving forward.
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