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Old 04-15-2016, 05:12 PM
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Originally Posted by christinedechagny (View Post)
I like your take on it AnaMack, if the queen/knight thing was just their own personal dynamic, but it's been given a bad taint, especially this season, with Jason trying to say Bellamy is a follower and Clarke is a leader, in general. He's been trying to erase the co-leaders thing since Season 2, I suspect because he was trying to prop up Lexa and Clarke as the leaders who are equal to each other, with everyone else beneath them. So, there's many things to dislike about that.
A pretty valid point.
Probably, he's been a Lexa trash, but also, that's what Bellamy believes. First of all, he's still not over what he's done in MW, he's not comfortable with himself, so he's also delegating his power, taking others' orders instead. The thing is, as much as Alie and himself may think he's a follower, he's not. He is devoted. He's a devoted rebel who's lost his entire confidence in himself and the very few people who could change his mind were either not there or blaming him too. I get how Jason has put his leadership a bit aside with the whole clexa dynamic (another reason to dislike it) and also to silence the shippers. He's as self assured as Bellamy. His ego needs this. He has to mistreat us so that his ideas aren't figured out, so that no one dares to say he's doing what we want. I'm like that. If I'm heading towards a shop to buy a bread and someone demands I buy said bread, I stop it right away. As much as it was my original idea, I just can't take it being interpreted as me following orders. Anyway, Alie and Jason trying to make him look like a follower ain't enough to me. Bellamy was never one. He's delegated his position out of fear for screwing up bigger time and is completely devoted to those he loves.

Before it gets misunderstood, 'cause it happens a lot with me. I'm just giving my opinion back because I love talking about it and not to prove your point or mine this or that

I think Clarke and Lexa is the duo that's actually unequal with an unhealthy superior/inferior dynamic, but that's another story.
Same! In fact, the parallel between 3x03 and 3x11 says a lot. One of the scenes had both taking care of each other and one had a one sided healing and a one sided crush. In fact, doesn't it seem as if Lexa is usually trying to control Clarke and vice-versa, whenever you watch their scenes? You don't have this with Bellarke. That's why Clarke was able to manipulate Lexa, but not him (3x05 parallels exactly this).

Anyway, I just really prefer Bellarke being described as the head and the heart, which I think is so perfect for them. The head and the heart bring different strengths to the table, but neither can function without the other. Like... Lexa got a different bodyguard to replace Gustus, but Clarke could not replace Bellamy. He is much more than that.
AND THE HANDS!!! Don't forget the hands!!! Anyway, lol, I was talking in the sense of how Bellamy sees her. She doesn't see him as his Gustus at all, he's the one who is devoted to her as Gustus to Lexa. The difference is that Clarke is devoted to him too, while Lexa and Gustus was as onesided as oc clexa (not the fanservice ****).

I know we already got acknowledgement on screen this season that Bellamy doesn't function as well without Clarke, but I would LOVE if they reveal the opposite is true, Clarke can't function as well without Bellamy either. It feels like the natural next step after ALIE used the queen/knight dynamic in such a negative way. Clarke has to prove her wrong at some point. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking.
I believe they have. I mean, one of the worst things she ever done, in my opinion, happened to be done whilst Bellamy was away. Without Bellamy by her, she kept running away from her ghosts. She was basically unguarded at Polis, she put herself in danger with Nia... But more than his absence, Lexa's presence was such a huge problem for Clarke's character and development... While Bellamy's presence builds her up and brings us the best out of her. As opposed to it, she is weakened by his absence. She was fully ooc at times this season. Even more so than he was.

Anyway, god I love discussing characters and their relationships...

- Bellarke are just casually making plans, having a pow wow. Normal things. Jasper goes off, and once again…DAD BELLAMY STEPS IN AND TELLS HIM TO STOP BEING MEAN TO MOM. TAKE A BREAK SON.
NOW THIS Natalie's review was on point!
"So, it's a show?"
"It's a lifestyle."
"It's a religion."
"Because I love you, you idiot!"
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