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Old 01-04-2004, 03:52 AM
Dedicated Fan
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 984
Hi my name is Sammy and I am 17. I have had a pretty good life BUT the last year of High skool I stopped knowing how to deal with my emotions! I was really hurt by a guy I trusted and my friends who i thought were there just didnt seem to care. I lost control of my life for a little while and my "depression" went from being just sad to me not being able to function! I turned to no one and kept it all in! This may sound stupid BUT one day I woke and thought to myself why am I so sad all the time! So I started little I stopped trying to hide the fact that I was sad. See I am the person no one expects to ever have a bad day! I am always smiling so when I was sad I covered it all up with this fake smile. So I stopped doing that. I started doing things for myself and went from little things to bigger things. I am not saying that I am fixed that I dont have bad days BUT I have learnt to deal with the sadness.

Retro - I dont know what its like to have a dad that isnt supportive so I cant pretend that I can help BUT know this if you ever need someone to talk to feel free to email me hey cause I have a friend who is in ur shoes BUT she still has to go through it every now and again! my email is

Cite Des Anges - I think that sometimes being depressed is worse then having it all the time because usually sometimes depressed just hits you and you dont know what to do!

Crossbow- Thank you for telling your story it shows that people who are depressed can still lead a pretty normal life!

I also think that people have this myth that being depressed is just being sad when in fact it is a lot of different things. I cant pretend that I know all about it But I have experienced it if that the right word to use so i know how much it hurts when you cant open up and let it all out because you are scared of being judged or treated like baby! So thats all i have to say sorry about rambling when I get going I cant stop! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
Work like you dont need the MONEY
Love like you have never been HURT
And dance like no-one is WATCHING
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