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Old 02-21-2016, 05:14 PM
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Almost time for a New Thread , Title idea's?.

Song lyrics
And I feel like I have known you my whole life
There is beauty behind every tear you've cried
Sometimes it's just hard to realize
There is love inside this madness.
Your kiss is still the spark that lights a fire
Girl, your name is still my favorite
Always will be and I’m
after every sunrise holding you,FV
After all the crazy we’ve been through
Every day and every minute, girl, it’s something new,
Hold me close through the night. Don't let me go.
Touch my soul. And hold it tight. I've been waiting all my life.
Tell me you love me one time. And this isn't goodbye.
Love you're not alone, cause I'm gonna stand by you.
"When I found you, I'll find me."
I know love isn't painless but it's worth the risk, it's worth the fight
The ride with you was worth the fall
I'm safe in your arms, you rescue me.
If you were gone I don't know where I'd be
So I’ll kiss you longer baby, any chance that I get
I’ll make the most of the minutes and love with no regrets
Came to you with a broken faith. Gave me more than a hand to hold.
EBR saying Felicity's finally found something she loves more than a computer, and she doesn't see her breaking up with Oliver
Their friendship is just as easy to love as their on-screen romance.
I sleep with @amellywood on my shirt all the time.
I don't care that you lied to me. I don't care... I care that the entire time We where supposed to be away together, a part of you was still here.
Uh oh, you have mopey face.
What game are we playing? Playing the reason that you know so much about Ghost is because you've been helping the team behind my back.
You're uncharacteristically quiet. What should I say? Our friends need our help, we should already be in the car.
Well then I guess I need a codename.
“You’re going to have to have a bite or two of this souffle...”
“And here I thought my days of riding in the back of a limo were over...”
“We should have never come back.” Then let’s go home.“But you weren’t happy there.”
Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards have been playing the sexual-tension of the Olicity relationship for three seasons now, and it will be nice to see them actually portray a couple.
Love this quote from Laura Hurley's review:
'' They communicated openly. They had what is technically definable as a fight. They were willing to compromise on their definitions of “home” so long as wherever they lived was together. Oliver and Felicity were adult together in a way that they never accomplished in relationships with others, and the growth was believable thanks to the natural chemistry between the actors."
“Oliver...” - Felicity’s warning
“We decided to stay in Star City...I was excited, I thought it was a new beginning...”
“If you think we made a mistake, we didn’t. Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.”
“Hope. Inspiration. Someone who can do things in the light who isn’t afraid...someone who can protect himself...Felicity, I’m going to run for Mayor.”
“Doing things differently is what I promised myself.”
Isn't that the definition of home? Not where you're from but where you are wanted.
There was a more intimate significance in Felicity’s concern about Oliver in the field without her subsequently murmuring sweet nothings over the comms,
“You do know you just brought a police captain into the lair...” - Felicity to Oliver
We will overcome our callenges with the help of our friends. (Our family.) (Our Loved ones.)
the reason that Oliver loves Felicity is because Felicity has allowed him to get in touch with pieces of his personality and his character that he thought were long gone. And, even better, new pieces that he never knew were there. So she makes him a better person- and thus, he loves her. Stephen full quote about why Oliver loves Felicity.
“I’m coming with you.” -Oliver to Felicity
“Oh, I thought only Oliver’s line was open.” - Felicity
“This is the same level of delusion that made you think my mother coming to town was a good thing.” - Felicity to Oliver
“This isn’t about Ray. This is about us.”- Oliver to Felicity
“No…Yes…I don’t know.” - Felicity
“Well, I’m going to give you some space until you figure it out.” - Oliver
“My point are not me. You are the CEO of a kabillion dollar company and Oliver is not your father. He loves you. No one has ever looked at me like he looks at you. He’s wonderful.” - Mama Smoak to Felicity
“In so many different ways. But that’s the problem. It’s way to easy to lose myself in him.” - Felicity
Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards pulled positively phenomenal performances out of one another as Oliver and Felicity faced very real issues with their relationship. and they successfully portrayed a couple truly, madly, terrifyingly in love.
“You didn’t run for mayor to take down Darhk, you did to give this city something the Green Arrow couldn’t. Hope...don’t lose sight of that...” - Felicity to Oliver
Plus the stability of the relationship adds a lot to Oliver’s stability and maturity as a character. He’s not brooding any more because he’s happy. THIS is the way relationships on series should be done.

Oliver and Felicity is the heart of this show

This show is about the origin of a superhero, but at its core it’s the story about the man underneath the costume. And the man underneath the costume wouldn’t be the man he is without Felicity Smoak.
The Flash(2x08)
Why don’t we go back to our place. We can have drinks and talk. -Felicity Smoak
I need to run something down. I will be back as soon as I can.
Oliver to Felicity, 4x08
“Oliver is back on secrecy mode” - Felicity
“Samantha, there is someone in my life right now. Please don’t make me keep this from her.” - Oliver to Samantha
“If you loved me, if you trusted me, telling me this wouldn’t be such a burden, it would be a relief. But you don’t trust me so how can I be with someone who doesn’t trust me...” - Felicity to Oliver
Felicity. That's a Nice name. She's a nice person. She's the best.
I am back in Star City. With You. C'mere.
well. lair number one was comprompised by the police and.. I will stop helping.
Oliver, we have a life together, Right? We are a team. Ow!
If something is bothering you and I don't know about it, I can't help you fix it. I can't be a good teammate.
Are you ok?...You were acting fine with everything while we were home.
And now that we're here in Central City, you're just been...not you.
Well maybe it's too bright and sunny for me here.
"She thinks he's wonderful in a million different ways and he thinks she's the best."
"All of this is to say that He only knows that he needs her because he knows what life is like without her."

Arrow, “Dark Waters” Review
“There were kids there.” - Oliver to Felicity asking him if he’s okay.
Oliver: Can I ask you a question?
Felicity: Now? Here? I mean. What’s the question? “Yeah…did we do the right thing? “Oh, with Dhark?” “He’s going to retaliate, somewhere, someplace…” “When he does, we’ll be ready.”
“I didn’t change my mind...I was going to propose, but then we came back to Star City and everything changed, and I needed time...” - Oliver to Felicity
You said you weren’t sure if you were going to propose because you didn’t know if I wanted this kind of life...and here we are, fighting the danger...isn’t that the whole point of marriage, to get through the hard times together...just so you know, if you would have asked me, I would have said yes.” - Felicity to Oliver
“At Christmas party from hell you said you were going to propose and you didn’t because you weren’t sure our relationship could survive this kind of life. And here we are fighting. Fighting our way through the danger instead of running away from it. Isn’t that the whole point of marriage? To get through the hard times because we are together not in spite of it. Yeah.
“Felicity...” - Oliver His mouthed words…awwwwww….
I thought I lost you… I’m here. I’m here.
I love you, I Love you...I love you. ILY ILY -a breathless Felicity says to Oliver, 4x09
“This week an event just like this was interrupted by terrorist...we’re not going to let the darkness when so all of us are here tonight to light a candle together.” - Oliver to the city
Yes?, Nope. Never mind. What? excuse me. Hey hey hey hey!. What's going on?. I dont know.
It was a Holiday party.
“Souffle…” - Felicity (and she figures it out)
You're coming with me.
Felicity, we just waved a red flag in front of a bull. That doesn't mean the bull is gonna charge right away.
Come here Baby.
Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards have proven themselves tremendously over the four seasons of Arrow. The duo both started out as relatively unknown actors, but now have transformed themselves and their characters into one of the most talked about couples on TV today
The mark of a great acting pair is when one actor can deliver lines that pack a punch while the other simply listens and reacts. This is what happens every single time Amell and Rickards act opposite each other.
Finally, I have witnessed other TV couples who have chemistry, but the acting between the two is still noticeable. It isn’t natural or organic; there is a small rigidity to it. As a viewer, I forget that these are two actors, I actually feel like I am watching a couple in a real time relationship blending into one another. It is the reason I have an irrational pull to this couple.
"She lightens him up, he got smiley and he really liked her."
You really feel them in your heart when you watch them that sometimes you forget that this couple is fictional
"I know he's doing everything he can to track down who did this..." - Felicity about Oliver
It what Felicity would want me to do.-Oliver, 4x10
Donna just texted me. Didn’t say what was wrong but it doesn’t sound good. You need to go there. -Thea telling Oliver to go to Felicity
"No, no...we'll talk to another doctor. " -Oliver about Felicity being paralized.
Hey stranger. Sorry I did't come by sooner, it's unforgivable. Only if you were in Bali or something... Where you in Bali? No, I was uh...
Are you okay? are you? No. You know what you have to do Right? you have to kill the son of a bitch." This was four months later.
[Stephen] Amell’s understated response — a hesitant shrug — perfectly encapsulates his natural, no-words-needed chemistry with [Emily Bett] Rickards.
”-Jenny Raftery in her Vulture recap of “Arrow” 4x10, “Blood Debts”
Amell and Rickards deliver one of the most honest and heartbreaking performances together.
it’s simply two characters, their love for each other, and some of the best dialogue on Arrow. Rickards and Amell have grown exponentially during their time on Arrow and it will be interesting to see how the duo deals with this new, emotional storyline.
-Nora Dominick, Emertainment Monthly
Careful, careful, slow down, careful. Do you want me to be careful?.
Oh, This is more Oliver 2.0, isn't it?.
Do you think being cute is going to distact me? Mission accomplished.
Maybe my code name could be ''Hot Wheels'' Keep pitching on that.
“I love you. I love you too.
We are going to stop him because it is what we do. It's who we are.
Hey, you okay? But you seem to think that what happened tonight is your fault.
This is who I am. I wanted to come along on your awesome super hero adventure because I wanted to do some good in the world.
“I just thought if you got behind a computer again, things would go back to normal.” - Oliver to Felicity
I thought we were totally unpacked. Just humor me.
What am I getting? You ready? Wow! When you said that you made some bad personal style choices you weren't kidding.
“This was the old me...”
Though the old me probably would have stolen the plans for Runicon and relessed them as some sort of ''political statement.''
The old me would've snapped Joiner's neck. Yeah. We've both grown.
Ow. Oliver to Felicity.
“The doctor said your condition is permanent and I don’t think it’s healthy to live in denial. But I have seen people speed and shrink and fly. We watched a friend of ours come back from the dead. That is the world we live in now. And I will not stop searching it until we find a way to make you walk again.”
Security is down. That was amazing...” - Oliver to Felicity after she took down the security in .5 seconds.
You're not that person anymore. No.
his intimate moments opposite Rickards are where he begins to shine brightest. Rickards and Amell bring out the best in each other and these “Olicity” moments are truly spectacular. ❞
-Nora Dominick, Emertainment Monthly (X)
We hope that we can keep going and make “Olicity” interesting, which is something Stephen and I talk about. We want to keep it real.
Stephen and I love working together. There’s no other way to put it. We love the scenes that are Felicity and Oliver. They’re fun, they’re creative. Their dialogue is locked and loaded. They understand each other. We get to play around because we’ve known each other now for four years as people, let alone characters, which is really fun. I love working with Stephen. It’s one of the highlights of my job.
"The #Olicity fandom is in full-force on the Internet and they are some of the most dedicated fans" @EmertainmentMon
How is it that you (Oliver) always manage to blame yourself for everything? That's his superpower ''guilt'' Arrow.
My pride that you understand what I was saying is slightly undercut by your lack of faith in me.
I have nothing but faith in you... just do it. Already did.
Any luck? Why do you always ask me that? If I had any luck looking for what I was looking for,
I would be telling you about it instead of looking for it.
Dip one toe into the shipper waters of Arrow, and you’ll get blown away by the sheer social media power of Olicity aka Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). This pair of superheroes not only has a great professional partnership (saving the city every week is tough work!), but they also have one of the most amazing romances on TV right now. We dare you not to swoon at every flirty moment.
You're surpirsed because you're hoping that he's the parent you're always wanted him to be; the parent you deserve.
“I think remorse is a very clear indicator that you and your father are very different people.” - Oliver to Felicity
And with everything that we have gone through in the past few months, I want you to tell me: why are we waiting?
Well, I have to plan it...Maybe just a small ceremony with a few of our friends and no caterers my mom would hate that. I'm in.
Speaking of closure, are you punishing yourself for betraying Malcolm? is that insane?
" … every scene featuring Oliver and Felicity—even before she joined Team Arrow—was simply delightful, and it was hard not to love the way her awkward enthusiasm always worked its way through the cracks in his angsty armor. "
-Sam Barsanti, AV Club staffer, answering the question “Who do you ship”
“Rickards and Amell continue to be the heart and soul of Arrow this season and these small moments that are slipped into every episode showcase this. Rickards continues to showcase her natural ability to make fans cry with a single look. Amell has risen above and beyond expectations as he continues to shine in emotional moments opposite Rickards. The adorable moment didn’t stop here, Oliver and Felicity decide that they want to move the wedding up and get married as soon as possible. Cue screams from every Arrow fan as the “Olicity” wedding day approaches. ” — Nora Dominick - Emertainment Monthly
"The hammer that breaks glass forges steel"."
Are you going to be alright in here? Oh Yeah, great wifi.
Oh wow. Hey guys. You know I don't know how I'm going to get everything done in time.
Maybe we should cancel? What?.
I think what Felicity's trying to say is that we don't want you working to hard.
I really need you to take a look at these engagement party invites my Mom has been hounding me.
The envelope is very pink. Wait! Don't! Open it.
Experts aren’t the voters. Okay well you at least hve one voter in your camp. Me! Only one that matters.
Is it possible to go blind from too many flashes?. Take a little bit of a break. Just for a moment.
I literally can't see a thing right now. I think the crue for that is champagne.
Ah! Dr, Queen, I do believe you are right.
I don't know what to say. I do. Curtis you're terrific. Thank-you.
I may very well have the perfect gift idea for you. Oh, let me guess. Slow cooker?
How did you know that? I'm telepathic.
Did you invite him? Who? Me?.
Can you hack the fire alarm, we need to evacuate the building? It's an old system, it might take me a minute.
I knew we should have had Slade Wilson do the party planning
— Felicity Smoak being adorable
“I spent a lot of time convincing myself I was doing the right thing...but then you brought this up now when we are trying to plan an engagement party. How can I marry Felicity if there’s this lie between us?” - Oliver to Thea
“Doesn’t make it right.” - Oliver to Thea about keeping a secret from Felicity
Of course he’s the clear winner. He’s marrying my daughter.
— Donna Smoak (via tardisbadwolfrose)
“I’ve been living vicariously through you. You and Oliver are one of those couples that…You don’t lie to each other…ever. And he’s going to be the best daddy when that time comes. And when I see something that beautiful and that rare…it also reminds me that I’m not going to find something like that.” - Donna to Felicity
Backstreet Boys fan, since 1995.Brian & Nick fan. 31 years for BSB. Tae(V) D-370
”Husband & Wife.”
M♥K Married (9-14-2023) Jin D-6,NJH D-106 OSW D-132, J-Hope D-133, Jinyoung-D-154 JK-D-371

Icon by me. Olicity, BTS, TxT, Enhypen, NJ, &Team, ZB1, LDH D-342
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