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Old 02-09-2016, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by emptyMERMAiD (View Post)
CityGal: That is really cool! I had absolutely no idea this character existed. They should make a TV show or movie

Also didn't know they did that
Yep, about a year ago. I posted this news article on the C&C board last year. Female Thor surprised the industry as her comics were actually selling beyond expectation. She was beating him in sales.

Plus Marvel on recently released the identity of the Female Thor.

Female Thor beating male Thor in Marvel Comics figures, proving that women do sell - News - Books - The Independent
Marvel Comics’ new female Thor is proving that women can outsell men by shifting more copies than those featuring the male version of the Norse Go

The popular comic was rebooted for a female edition in October, with the eighth issue currently in the pipeline.

Marvel’s move to attract more female fans to the franchise received a mixed reaction but now, comparison figures released by comics research website ComiChron show that it is enjoying significant commercial success.

The first four female Thor comics have been selling more than the last four male ones from 2012 by almost 20,000 copies per month, not including digital.

New Thor sold 150,862 copies when it debuted in October last year, compared to the 110,443 copies sold of the first original version two years ago.

“This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is Thor. This is the Thor of the Marvel Universe. But it’s unlike any Thor we’ve ever seen before,” said Jason Aaron, series writer, last summer.

“This inscription on Thor’s hammer reads, ‘Whoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor’. Well it’s time to update that inscription,” added Will Moss, Marvel editor.

The new female incarnation of Thor is here to stay, Marvel has revealed The new female incarnation of Thor is proving a success “The new Thor continues Marvel’s proud tradition of strong female characters like Captain Marvel, Storm, Black Widow and more.”

Marvel said in a statement on its website that it hopes female Thor will “speak directly to an audience that long was not the target for superhero comic books in America: women and girls”.

Writers are promising to reveal the identity of female Thor, depicted with long blonde hair, metal armour and a red cape, in the May issue of the comic.
Female Thor: Marvel reveals secret identity |
The secret identity of the Female Thor is...

While Marvel Studios’ Avengers have been tearing up the big screen, Marvel Comics’ Avengers have been getting a facelift. That’s especially true of Thor, the Asgardian God of Thunder—who became a Goddess of Thunder late last year in a rebooted Thor #1. To be clear, Thor was replaced by a woman, and the first seven issues of the new series kept that woman’s actual identity a mystery.

But on Wednesday, Marvel will reveal the new Thor’s secret identity in Thor #8. And thanks to beloved comics fanzine The New York Times, we already know what that secret identity is. SPOILER ALERT IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW THAT IDENTITY!

It turns out that the new Thor is a longtime Thor supporting character: Jane Foster, who originally appeared way back in 1962, as the nurse sidekick/love interest to Dr. Donald Blake, originally Thor’s alter ego. The character has appeared sporadically since the ’70s. At some point in the comics continuity, she became a doctor. She achieved more prominence in the Thor films, where Natalie Portman incarnated Jane as the thunder god’s astrophysicist love interest.

More recently, Jane reappeared in Thor, diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoing chemotherapy treatments. It will be interesting to see what role her health plays in her superhero-ing. Thor writer Jason Aaron tells the Times, “The very act of picking up this hammer, of becoming Thor, is killing her,” which sounds vaguely Spawn-like. (Remember Spawn? Is that a thing people still talk about?)

Fingers crossed, this means Natalie Portman dons a blonde wig and a horned mask-helmet in Thor: Ragnarok.

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