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Old 01-21-2016, 08:01 AM
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Joined: Jun 2015
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Originally Posted by bonnie51 (View Post)
yeah, exactly. And it would have been maybe OK if they didn't make it out like she cared so deeply for Jay, lol, when they'e barely even kissed (at least on screen, etc) or known each other that long.

and the spoiler about her being drawn to Jay... is what... now that she knows he's dying her being drawn to him is to stop him from dying and losing someone else? really? really? REALLY????????????

anyways. yeah, that was the weird thing about Patty's leaving although I guess Barry didn't give her an answer in the amount of time she had allotted for him....

and that right there is the probably with rushing relationships. which the writers are doing with Jay and Caitlin and they should have learned from Barry and Patty. Because then you have scenes where its it

"decide who we are"
and then next scene " well, you didn't answer me in 24 hours so I'm out, so long sucka"

and everyone else - including the other character just is like
How about Wells confronted her? I just don't really know how I felt about the episode. I am a Barry stan. when Cisco said your bringing your girl to entrap a criminal not sure about wording. I wish Barry would of said yeah she's a cop and she can be in on it. but no he like acts dumb. and Cisco gets the good liner.also it was a gala and other people were there to that knew nothing of plan. I hoped that when they were not so much on introducing LOT they could start writing better.
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