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Old 01-20-2016, 10:26 AM
Dedicated Fan
Joined: Sep 2015
Posts: 501
Yeah, now that I´m through with all episodes I also don´t think that they are over. Zoe obviously already regrets throwing Grace away - it was just a small line when she said "Took care of that" to Maya in #10 but just look at the way she´s says it.

I also watched the Grace pointing out Zig as her crush scene again. She seems kind of in a tight spot when Zoe wanted her to name a guy. And then Zig entered the room and he seemed like a good choice. I could imagine if Tiny would have come in right then she would have pointed on him.

And there was something else: She says that she´s not gay. She didn´t say that she´s straight. Plus the Zig crush being not very believable - maybe she´s just not into sex at all.
It kinda would make sense. She said a few things that make me believe she has feelings for Zoe. Maybe she just has a hard time explaining to Zoe that she has feelings for her but isn´t interested in having sex with her. Just imagine his face if Maya would have told that to Zig or the other way around.
I really would like them to flash out that topic (after they dropped it with Conner after two scenes).

Another option would be Grace really being totally terrified by the situation, maybe too tense to enjoy whatever Zoe and her did. I would like that, too because Grace always seemed to be on top of things. Gangfights in the school? Grace has all the information and the good advice. Zoe wants to send boob pics - Grace takes care of the tech. Maya needs someone to point out her feelings for Zig - Grace serves it to her right at the best time.
Her being terrified now that it´s about her own feelings would be great to see her deal with.
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