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Old 01-20-2016, 12:00 AM
room to breathe
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When it is the logo all capitals is fine . I would leave off the symbols as they are hard to see on the smaller canvas and leaving them off may allow you to make the text larger. When you compare what you did in your first try to your second there is a huge difference and improvement and that was all of your doing so that is wonderful in my mind. You could see what needed changing by yourself and worked towards improving it .

I agree that it is too boxy, and personally I would prefer to see brushes in the background like you did with the celebrity ones than just an image. You may be able to find a way to incorporate the image into it as well but usually we stick to brushes and/or textures in the background and not images. Or we use both. Some of your skintones do not quite match as some of them look brighter than others.

I want to try my hand at all the different styles of banners!
With the general boards it is hard to put a set style to them as each one can be unique so I would stick to just trying the celebrity and a show one as those are the main ones. You may wish to attempt a band as well since it can be slightly different as Mel said before.
its always darkest before the dawn ღ
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