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Old 12-25-2015, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Heidsdk (View Post)
i agree with this, also just to see how they would handle it, right?
yeah. I mean, if you take a former ally / friend / lover / family member, whatever fits the show and put them on opposite ends and write it well...

dear me, to me, that is some of the most compelling things I've watched.

One of my favorite scenes of all time is the end of Smallville when Clark mets Lex again and Lex comments on how Clarke always says his name the same way with dread, etc... but a hopeful finish.

because that way I get more emotionally invested in a character - even as a villain - when they have emotional relationships. Similar to how in Season 1 one of my favorite scenes (I know, I know) was when Eobard killed Cisco.

I LOVE Cisco... but that sccene? Where Eobard was like "forgive me, but to me you've been dead for centuries" etc. and talking about seeing what it was like to have a son, etc. That scene was awesome IMO. Because you knew that the villain was going to do something bad but they were at the same time like

"look, this IS hard for me. I'm not soulless but I made choices or things happened and this is the path life gave to me, etc" and they acknowledge an emotional connection to the hero or the other characters in the story, even though they are on opposite ends. so that I think is what I am looking for the most out of something like KF if it ever happens or some future villain...

a real emotional connection where maybe at times they might work together or not against each other, etc... and both aren't always trying to kill or destroy the other because there is that connection and they aren't quite ready to give up on that other person just yet.

sorry for making it longer but those are the kind of villain stories - either in books, movies or tv shows - that just draw me close to the TV. The ones where the hero or other main characters still love the villain and are trying to stop and save them at the same time and where the villain or villains show that they are conflicted and that its not just easy to be bad and destroy everything.

kind of like Zod's speech to Superman where he talked about how everything he had done had been for his people and now that they were gone, Superman had taken away his soul.

someone who just cares about nothing and no one can be cool too sometimes but not as often in my personal taste.
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