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Old 12-02-2015, 05:49 PM
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No it was scary!! I remember feeling really terrified when I woke up! I haven't had that dream in years though.

Haha Lisa I hope one day I can see what's behind that door!

I know, it's so weird how you wake up before/as soon as something is about to happen. Like falling dreams, you always wake up as soon as you hit the ground! No idea how it all works!
"I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself."~ Nelson Mandela.
"I'm getting ready to yank a kidney out of a mentally retarded guy who doesn't know any better. I'm a humanitarian. Didn't you know that?" - Charlotte King.
Cooper - 'I don't know where i'm headed.' Charlotte - 'Do I look like a GPS to you?'
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