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Old 11-30-2015, 10:10 AM
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Originally Posted by believer14 (View Post)
For some reason, on the vimeo the sound after 1:20 just cracks, I don't know why, maybe it's me... but the YT version is good.
Great video, really liked the song.
Really? That's strange... Doesn't do that for me. Anybody else notice that? And what do you mean by "cracks"? Like it cuts out? Or glitches? Or cuts off completely?

Originally Posted by Lauren Helen Graham (View Post)
Randi, your video It's soooooo stunning!!! One of your best for sure, I swear. I fell in love the first few seconds of it already. But I still need to watch it on YT to see what the difference with the song is
Basically when you pitch shift a song you have 2 options, "chipmunk version" or "johnny cash version" . The voices either have to go really high, or really low. So usually if its a male singer I'll go with the low pitch, if its a female singer, I'll do the high pitch. And for whatever reason, YT doesn't pick it up and register as the original artist so it will allow you to have it on YT where if you didn't pitch shift it, they would block it. So in my case, I first tried uploading a preview and it not only blocked the song for copyright, it completely muted the audio all together which is obviously no good, lol. So, pitch shifting and Vimeo were my sneaky little ways around that
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