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Old 11-18-2015, 08:07 PM
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Yes, more scenes with our little Grimm family❤

Yeah, we got them woking together as a team to stop Kelly from crying. I thought their scenes were pretty hilarious as they juggled Kelly around. How can they not know how to boil ? At least the food came out good. I loved their talk over dinner. I like the fact that they are bonding more and more and learning about the other, it's nice.

Did Adalind ask Nick to sleep in her and Kelly's room again? I want to make sure I didn't misheard that. I'll rewatch their scenes just to make sure. Omg, when they each wanted the bathroom. Kelly threw up on Adalind shirt, making it see through. I caught those wheels spinning in Nick's head. Being in close quarters with Adalind is making him want her more and more. Their attraction to one another is getting out of control. I wonder which one of them is going to crack first...

Our girl is definitely tempting him slowly but surly, especially when she came out in that towel. She said doesn't feel right using the credit card he gave her to buy clothes. Yes, our girl is independent. She's always been they way. I love it.*

I particularly liked when she told Nick about going back to work, about the job offer. She wants to contribute. She doesn't want to mooch off of him. Yes, thank you writers for addressing that. Adalind isn't using Nick, nor is she helpless.

I don't know about you guys, but I love the steady building sexual chemistry between our couple. Nick shirtless and Adalind in a towel and in Nick's shirt. Our is becoming domestic. It can work. They are a better match.

I'm loving their talks. They are the best parts of the show by far. I need more. I want more.* Kelly is bringing his parents closer. Smart baby. I loved how Nick comforted her when she told him she was worried about him.

Wow, it's happening. We are getting Nick&Adalind.

Archie Andrews &Veronica Lodge

Last edited by Rickylious; 11-20-2015 at 08:28 PM
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