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Old 11-06-2015, 11:22 AM
Elite Fan

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Joined: Oct 2014
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Originally Posted by TPF1138 (View Post)
Dame Helen Mirren. The Queen herself.

That'll do for a supporter.
From he current Queen to the future Queen.

“She is the fastest read of people that I’ve ever met, so a real study of human behavior, and human emotion, and she listens, and she feels. She does unexpected things, she’s a mystery and all that together just makes her special.”
— Francis Lawrence on Jennifer Lawrence

“She’s one in a million, they don’t come around that often and part of it is a magic you can’t explain. She has a wisdom beyond her years, she has a gravity that other 25 year olds don’t.”
— Francis Lawrence on Jennifer Lawrence
I've finished my fifth draft of the script with Jen in mind as the lead. It's a comedy called Life As Liz. PM if interested in hearing more about it. Or even possibly reading it.

I've also finished 15 full length original scripts. here is a blog for them.
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