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Old 11-03-2015, 12:39 AM
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Originally Posted by **Anja** (View Post)
I hope they can manage to get all the old sets back as they were.
The exteriors shouldn't be an issue, they've been used for other projects since GG ended so bringing Stars Hollow back should be easy, of course it won't be 100% the same which is okay as the town would have some changes in the last 8 years.

Interior sets are trickier, most are usually destroyed once a show has ended with no chance of return. But that said reconstruction should be easy enough since the likely have the plans and have tons of video to look at to build anything they need. And again 8 years later the decorating doesn't have to match 100% as long as the basic design is the same.

Maybe we're over thinking this but I'm sure they know what's involved in bringing back a show like this after so long.
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