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Old 10-19-2015, 06:38 PM
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Hi ladies.
It's so nice to see you stopping by, Kate. I'll be sending good vibes your way for a smooth delivery and healthy baby.

I actually really like #8. While I don't like that Mary is basically comparing her love and admitting she did love another, I love reading something that reminds me that Francis will always be placed before anyone else in her heart and mind. I feel that it's a recurring theme in the show (and dear me, do I wish it wasn't and that she'd just realize Francis is her EVERYTHING). I feel strangely connected to it.
So, I'll vote #5 this round.

Shu, I completely agree. I'm just weak when it comes to these two and I'll take any sort of happiness after that dismal S2 I can get. I do think, when all is said and done, I'll probably rewatch S1 and pretend that's where their story ended and I'll fill in the gaps myself.
“It is easy to see that God has caused them to be born for each other."
Francis de Valois Mary Stuart

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