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Old 10-11-2015, 06:46 PM
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Yes he let her live, that is enough mercy for the crap she pulled, he let her live because it is his mother and he couldn't kill her, so he sends her away, tells her she can go anywhere, back to the Medicis if she wants but she wouldn't be welcomed at court and she wouldn't have her title. He shouldn't have to find another way, the punishment fit the crime. If my mother had done that to me, I would have tossed her into the ocean without a life preserver, Francis was far more compassionate.

And please, it's not like she's suddenly destitute and helpless, she clearly had enough resources to still keep her fancy clothes and make her way to Elizabeth, she's not a helpless poor woman with nothing. The fact that she was going to arrange Charles to marry Elizabeth, clearly shows she hasn't lost her children when she could hand off one to be married.

As for Bash, it wasn't his child, it may have been two half siblings but it wasn't his child that his mother did anything to, so the fact he banished her away, told her they would never see each other again and took away the estate that he had gifted her, that was his punishment for her, that her actions would forever cost her the relationship she will have with him.

Whatever feelings of anger, it's not his child that Diane used against him, when it comes to your child, it's different than siblings or friends or cousins or even parents. It's your child. That's what Francis had to face, that's what he cried for and Catherine allowed it to happen.

And by your own logic, Mary and Francis certainly didn't plan to do this to Catherine, they were more than content to leave her alone and just let her live life, she pushed them into it, she could only do so much before they lash out at her.

Taking away Mary's power is taking away Francis', Catherine is not stupid nor naive to not realize that. Her plotting against Mary is her plotting against Francis.

So maybe they are naive, but they are still King and Queen, her scheming doesn't help the country at all except bring about more tension and turmoil, except continually hurting Francis and his rule.

She loves him so much that she's loving him right out of a crown might as well.
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