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Old 10-07-2015, 10:53 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Jul 2015
Posts: 104
Originally Posted by magikhands1 (View Post)
Loved Sam's speech about how they need to change or their mistakes would keep happening...duh, been like that for the past 10 years But I'm glad it's been brought up. Sam should have looked in the closet before locking himself in So he's infected...not immune like Croatoan...Looking forward to what comes next.
Oh, I know right. It's like too little, too late. Sam always has his regrets speech with Dean when the ****s already hit the fan. Atleast Dean automatically goes into commando mode. I thought when those townspeople didn't kill Sam, it's because they knew he was one of them now, OR, it'd be cool if Sam was their leader because he introduced the darkness. His plan to try and save them was really badly thought out. Maybe he plans to fight off the darkness by pretending to be one of them? This episode definitely introduced a lot of unknown questions. The mention of Lucifer was exciting. If he is re-introduced I hope Mark Pellegrino portrays him. On a side note, Dean looked really hot in that jacket
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