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Old 12-30-2003, 09:17 PM
Cherié £u£u
Master Fan

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The Best Films of 2003
Hobbits, dwarves and misanthropes -- our favorite films from the past year.
by Dave McCoy
MSN Entertainment

5. "Bad Santa"
Finally, finally a film for those of us who feel like Scrooges around the holidays and think Christmas movies are the worst genre ever conceived. I could go on about how Terry Zwigoff's film skewers gross American holiday consumerism with the soul-sucking images of fluorescent mall lights and drunken Santa Clauses ... yeah, I could praise that. But really, this movie rules because it's wonderfully offensive, mean, relentless, vulgar (profanity hasn't sounded this poetic since Mamet) and wet-your-pants hysterical. Oh, and they should give Billy Bob Thornton, looking like a Santa's lost, strung-out reindeer, a special Oscar for depravity.
Click here for the full list
Çherié £u£u

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