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Old 09-12-2015, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by FoxPhile (View Post)
I would hate for Drew to do something like that - but I wouldn't put it past him either. I don't think he's seen Walter as any sort of threat up until now. He's too much of a jock to consider that a man like Walter has anything to offer a woman. Plus I think the fact that Walter helped him figure out how to engage Ralph gives him the mistaken idea that Walter is in his corner - in terms of either Ralph or Paige. If he comes back and notices that things have changed, I can definitely see him trying to tell Walter to back off.

Although a part of me would actually like to see Drew that - and have Paige witness it - unknown to both men. I can just imagine her reaction!
I can totally see Paige telling Drew to butt out of her "romantic" life and just focus on Ralph. And then turn around and tell Walter not to take Drew seriously. Then again, I doubt Walter sees Drew as much of a threat because Walter could do so much worse to the man by deleting Drew's entire virtual existence. X'D And you're right, I actually think I might want to see Drew tell Walt to back off, but I hope it happens later in the season... like... after Walter and Paige have established some sort of more than friends relationship.
Walter x Paige Drake x Morwenna Jamie x Claire Yusuke x Keiko
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