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Old 09-03-2015, 08:22 AM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: May 2014
Posts: 123
Originally Posted by MinutesToMidnight (View Post)
I don't understand. Is this because of what happened at the French convention this year with Jennifer Morrison's duos?
I think it has more to do with an agreement that their managers can come to. About price and such. But some fans are really disrespectful. I'm an outlaw queener Def but still respect swan queeners as well. I love the friendship they've developed. While I like the charming, i m not that into rumbelle or captain swan. But I would never trash it or put down others ships. It's probably a combo of both.

Also doing an ouat rewatch and I'm on season 3b...I'm really looking forward to seeing Robin ND regina work together again. To find Emma and other things that shall not be mentioned again.
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