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Old 08-20-2015, 06:55 PM
falling slowly
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Originally Posted by Star11 (View Post)
YES! This IS an amazing show!

You have said so many things that I agree with. After only watching the show one time, you have such a great, immediate understanding and it’s so great to read thoughts that I am in complete agreement with here. Just to recap a few of your comments (on this page alone):

1. Their love scene at the end was perfect.
2. Brian and Justin will still be together. They've been through to much not to. Brian will only ever truly love Justin and vise versa. Nothing else makes sense.
3. I don't think Justin is lost to Brian. I think the fact that he wanted him to go have his dream shows how much he loves him. And the fact that Justin didn't want Brian to change does the same. Justin always loved Brian unconditionally and for exactly who he is and that will never change.
3. They are so beautiful, they made love and we got to witness it and it was so special. The Montage made all their times together special, it made them all mean something and for that I will always be greatful.
4. Justin won't be gone forever. He will come back to Brian and Brian will visit him. Brian finally has a reason to move his career to New York.

and my favorite

5. Brian dancing in the club at the end with Michael and alone...Babylon is part of Brian, part of his soul will always be there. He's not alone, he still has them all. Michael, Emmett, Ted and Justin.

Don’t have a hard time with the ending, Kasey… just read the list of YOUR own comments above and remember: “It’s a sad ending, but in some ways its so perfect.” (your quote).

You were able to articulate many of the same thoughts I have about the ending. I don't have any trouble watching the ending again because I feel like the characters stayed true to themselves and that made me happy! [And in my mind, I have no doubt they are still together post-513]
Awww thanks, I have no doubt they are together too. How could it be any other way?

'People that are meant to be together always find their way in the end'
BrookeღLucas l EdwardღBella l RonღHermione l RyanღTaylor
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