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Old 08-03-2015, 09:15 PM
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Alright, I now present to you the madlib! I think it's pretty awesome. I had to change a few things to make it work with some of the words, but other than that, I'm liking it. Thanks for your words, ladies! Enjoy! (P.S. I don't know how I feel about Francis's crime! )
Monday Madlib

Original Scene:
FRANCIS: What can I do for you? Are you cold? I'll fetch you a blanket.
MARY: I should have known those weren't our guards.
FRANCIS: Mary, you were startled in the dead of night. There were three armed men against you. Please don't torment yourself. I'm so sorry that this happened. That my choices brought this violence into our home.
MARY: Don't blame yourself for the actions of evil people. We've disagreed about tolerance, but you were just doing what you believed was right, what you thought was best for France.
FRANCIS: No. I wasn't doing what I believed was right or what I thought was best. I made choices... under pressure from another. I was being blackmailed.
MARY: Blackmailed? For what?
FRANCIS: I killed my father at the joust. He was a threat to France, to you.
MARY: Oh, my God.
FRANCIS: It was regicide.
MARY: Francis, who found out the truth?
FRANCIS: Narcisse.

New Scene:
FRANCIS: What can I do for you? Are you flirty? I'll fetch you some jeans.
MARY: I should have known those weren't our lips.
FRANCIS: Mary, you were startled in the dead of night. There were three armed kittens against you. Please don't slap yourself. I'm so sorry that this happened. That my choices brought this orgy into our home.
MARY: Don't blame yourself for the actions of flamboyant babies. We've disagreed about ice cream cones, but you were just doing what you believed was right, what you thought was best for ninjas.
FRANCIS: No. I wasn't doing what I believed was right or what I thought was best. I made pickles... under pressure from another. I was being jiggled.
MARY: Jiggled? For what?
FRANCIS: I licked my booty on National Hug Your Cat Day. It was a threat to ninjas, to you.
MARY: Oh, my God.
FRANCIS: It was Grand Theft Cake.
MARY: Francis, who found out the truth?
FRANCIS: Stinkbelch Scumspawn the Stealthy.
“It is easy to see that God has caused them to be born for each other."
Francis de Valois Mary Stuart

Icon Credit: Issi
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