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Old 07-24-2015, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Jsi.23 (View Post)
It's so hard to tell if this is TLK or just Regina just kissing Robin out of relief since he looks to be moving before she kisses him.
Doesn't mean it isn't TLK either. I mean, when she kissed Henry, in season 3, he was awake, alive, well, and with full possession of all his memories, and that kiss still broke the curse on everyone else.

Besides, we have no ideal what hit Robin, and even if his *curse*, if it was indeed one, worked as the *sleeping curse*. Maybe he wasn't dead or asleep, but dying or close to it, and kissing him worked to break his curse, or perhaps it worked to break another curse.

We know TLK is about intense moments, when emotions are running high. If he was close to dead or dying, it could qualify as a TLK. And if the kiss broke *a curse*, well, we have to wait and see which curse.

It's probably nothing, but I've seen this argument that because he is moving it couldn't be TLK, and that's not true. I don't think it is TLK, because I have my doubts they are going to give us that any time soon, BUT Robin moving isn't a reason why it can't be, if you know what I mean.

But I wish it were. There has been a while since we last had a romantic TLK in this show.
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