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Old 07-16-2015, 01:32 AM
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Originally Posted by IBelieveInMiracles (View Post)
Glasses and a bow! That pic has glasses and a bow! Olicity is back! So excited that they are filming again!

Yeah I'm really curious about the haunting thing too. But I feel like it doesn't involve Olicity in any horrible way. All signs point to Olicity being pretty happy for awhile somi don't see some horrible thing happening to them in the premiere. Maybe something with Thea? There was that whole "what's wrong Speedy" spoiler SA gave. So some stuff is going to go down with her. Maybe she does something bad?
I guess the thing is though, if it was a flash forward, (and that's just my theory for now) then they could still be happy, but we as an audience would have this scene that may be vague.. about something awful happening later.
Could be about anything though. You could be right about Thea!
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