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Old 07-14-2015, 06:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Slayerfan714 (View Post)
It's funny. Writing can always be great, but with a different or dare I say lesser actor, the character wouldn't be the same.

Sean is very talented and the show doesn't utilize him nearly enough. They should be thankful they have someone as good instead of someone mediocre.

I think in someone else's hands, Emmett as a character just wouldn't have been as appealing. And that always says a lot about an actor when they can do that.
So true.

In my heart, I believe the writers and producers do recognize how gifted Sean Berdy is.

I hope they do.

He is absolutely what drew me into Switched at Birth and what keeps me there.

I love that the writing is strong and powerful and that Sean Berdy's delivery of it makes it resonate in ways I never imagined a TV show, or any fictional story, could do.
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