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Old 05-22-2015, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Subject (View Post)
Being gay often means liking plays, dancing, fashion, ect.. things that you would mostly find women enjoying. With all of this on tv it can warp a persons mind to what being gay should be like. The same for being a straight man or woman...or anyone for that matter.
It's unfortunate. I think when it comes to LGBT character's, the show hires (usually) someone who is actually LGBT and create a character based off them. Not to stereotype, but must (but certainly not all) fit the stereotype of what you listed above which is why we received a character such as Tristan on Degrassi. I don't know how well you follow the actual actors, but let's just say Lyle isn't acting - Tristan is him on a show as a character. They should just call him Lyle. I do credit Riley, however. He was a good example of how not all gay guys are effeminine in nature such as Tristan or even Marco.

Right now I am not sure if either of them are gay. This is a new relationship, they are figuring things out. I don't know if they don't like girls because the show makes it unclear. The only thing that is clear now is that they do like each other.
The show makes it clear they are gay without actually confirming it (Well, at least on Jude's side) Connor clearly has had experiences with girls (Daria, for example), but still chose Jude and felt confident enough to tell his dad "I snuck out to see Jude because I am gay." (Paraphrasing) Hell, he even continued seeing Daria just so he'd have an alibi in his father's eyes just so he could continue seeing Jude. Jude, on the other hand, has been hinted to be curious from day one and has never shown much interest in girls, but always has for Connor. I stand by this bc I was in their shoes at that age as well and had I had the chance, I would have experimented with guy friend which would have confirmed what I already knew. People turn anything but heterosexuality into some unknown science when it really isn't that difficult. You, as a hetero male going through puberty at 11-14 years old, I'm sure were starting to explore your sexuality by having thoughts (sometimes sexual) of women and really started noticing them differently than before. It came natural to you and you never doubted in your mind that you were straight. It's the same logic for LGBT members including Connor & Jude. I don't really see Connor as Pan and only liking Jude because they connected; if that was the case he would have at least told his dad he was Bi, but I'm sure compared his feelings for Jude and Daria and realized he wasn't straight nor confused - He was gay.

I disagree because I feel that Miles is using Tristan. That he isn't gay or bi...he just wants someone to care about him. Mile's issues with his father and feeling unloved. I think he just wants to know that someone cares about him. I think he truly still loves Maya.
Due to Miles's nature of just wanting love and acceptance, I often suspected Miles's was Pansexual and in the video below, he confirms such (indirectly, at least.)

So, I agree with you: He turned to Tristan for love and acceptance. That doesn't mean he doesn't have legit feelings for Tristan or that it was all an act. No, he doesn't (as of right now) love Tristan (which he clearly still loves Maya), but he wasn't using Tristan either. I think their breakup was mainly based on Miles's insecurities with himself. He knew he was a bad guy with issues and that Tristan deserved better. If he truly didn't care, he wouldn't have been so hurt by the intervention or even bothered to try and make it up to Tristan. If you can remember Maya saying she was just confused which Miles replied with: "You're confused?" I think he knew he wasn't gay or even bi, but that the feelings for Tristan were legit and growing which he never felt that way about any other guy before.

Last edited by Xhin; 05-22-2015 at 12:22 PM
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